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:: Volume 14, Issue 1 (Spring 2023) ::
2023, 14(1): 35-48 Back to browse issues page
Nitrate Absorption From Aqueous Solution by Using Sugrance Bagasse Biochar, Broken Ceramic and Cocopeat adsorbent
Maryam Ghorbani , Saeeid Broumand Nasab , Abdolrahim Hooshmand
Abstract:   (571 Views)
In recent years, the use of Biochar has been considered to remove pollutants such as Nitrate. Due to the increase in Nitrate concentration in Water Sources and the biological consequences  resulting from it, in this research, the efficieny of Three adsorbants Sugarcane Bagasse Biochar, Broken Ceramic and Cocopeat  was investigate  in Nitrate absorption in aqueous solution. In this research the response surface method based on the Box-Behnken design, has been used to evaluate the effect of independent variables of pH, Temperature and amount of absorbent on the response performance. Also, the adsorption kinetics and adsorption Isotherms, were investigated in the three types of adsorbents  SEM, XRD, CHNSO and FTIR Studied, and in order to investigate the chemical structure of the  Sugarcane Bagasse Biochar box adsorbent. the adsorbent was analyzed. The results showed  that, by increasing the amount of adsorbent and contact time, the amount of Nitrate removal increased, while by increasing pH the initial concentration of Nitrate , its removal efficiency decreased . Also, all Three types of adsorbent studied in the isotherm models, were more consistent with the Langmuir isotherm model. By comparing the coefficients of determination in Two Kinetic models of the  First order and pseudo-second order. The  adsorption process was better describe with the pseudo- second-order Kinetic model. Finally, the maximum removal percentage was calculated and the values predicted by Box-Behnken model for removal by Sugarcane Bagasse Biochar was 69.7%,  Broken Ceramic  was 39.4% and Cocopeat was 25.1 %. the result of it show that, more Nitate is absorbed by Sugarcane Bagasse Biochar  box is better than the other Two absorbents.
Keywords: Nitrate Removal, Sugrance Bagasse Biochar, Broken Ceramic, Cocopeat .
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/09/13 | Accepted: 2023/03/1 | Published: 2023/03/1
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Ghorbani M, Broumand Nasab S, Hooshmand A. Nitrate Absorption From Aqueous Solution by Using Sugrance Bagasse Biochar, Broken Ceramic and Cocopeat adsorbent. Wetland Ecobiology 2023; 14 (1) :35-48
URL: http://jweb.ahvaz.iau.ir/article-1-1012-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 1 (Spring 2023) Back to browse issues page
مجله علمی پژوهشی اکوبیولوژی تالاب Journal of Wetland Ecobiology
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